

The ongoing globalization of the world economy, forces the companies all over the world and especially the global players, to confront an unrestrained international competition.

The steady effort to reduce production costs is for sure the only way to guarantee goods and services with competitive prices on the international level.

Tunisian manufacturing industry is currently fulfilling all international requirements and standards. Many international brands and labels have considered:

- the excellent business environment,

- the variety of incentive for foreign investors and especially for export oriented companies,

- the proximity to Europe,

- the competitive production costs,

- and last but not least, the big potential of young, dedicated and well trained workforce as well as high qualified university degree holder in all specialities,

and decided to subcontract their production to local manufacturing companies or even to delocalize their own production to Tunisia.

Do you think it could be an option for your company? If so we could assist you and propose following services:

- In close dialogue with our client, we determine the profile of the partner concerned and the criteria of selection,

- we negotiate the best conditions for concrete subcontracting orders,

- we take the responsibility of the communication between our client and the subcontracting company, in order to make sure, that our customer's instructions and wishes are followed and carried out accurately and without ambiguity,

- the application for necessary approvals and permissions by the different authorities and administrations,

- the negotiation of the subcontracting contracts,

- the quality control by the subcontracting company during the production and just before exporting,

- the business correspondence, etc.

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